International Conference on ICT Systems Security and Privacy Protection
May 26–28, 2015 in Hamburg, Germany


International Conference on ICT Systems Security and Privacy Protection, May 26–28, 2015 in Hamburg, Germany

1st international workshop on IT Assurance and Control (co-located with IFIP SEC 2015)

In recent years, there has been increasing growth and concerns in both deploying and controlling digital technology as well as the way in which assurance can be provided about this irreversible phenomenon. The traditional IT systems are replaced by modern solutions to meet the demands of the current economic climate. These environments are mainly built upon cloud and mobile related technologies and are on-line and accessible whenever and whenever needed. Unlike the past, the changing business and IT landscape requires a new mindset and approach to generate trust by controlling the digitalization process and by providing assurance with regard hereto using meaningful attributes and principles.

On Wednesday 27th of May, the Working Group 11.5 of TC 11 brings academics and practitioners together in its workshop to discuss the new insights and thoughts on IT Assurance and Control. The subjects of two PhD studies in this field are explained, some related topics on the agenda of the C-level listed in our Call for Workshop Papers (see the website) are clarified and a panel discussion is organized. The outcome of the workshop is a book that will be published and made available to the registered participants afterwards. Currently, we finalize the program of this event.

If interested, please register for IFIP SEC 2015 and also send an email to edp.feweb@vu.nl. We hope to welcome you on May 27, 2015 in Hamburg, Germany.

Kind regards,
Abbas Shahim
Chairman of the Working Group 11.5 at IFIP


The conference proceedings of IFIP SEC 2015 have been published on the Springer website.


The conference proceedings of IFIP SEC 2015 have been published on the Springer website.