Accepted Papers
The following papers and/or presentations have been accepted for publication and/or will be presented at IFIP SEC 2015 and its co-located conferences. This list is in no particular order.
- Aydin Abadi, Sotirios Terzis and Changyu Dong: O-PSI: Delegated Private Set Intersection on Outsourced Datasets
- Josep Domingo-Ferrer, Qianhong Wu and Alberto Blanco-Justicia: Flexible and Robust Privacy-Preserving Implicit Authentication
- Dang Vinh Pham and Dogan Kesdogan: Towards Relations between the Hitting-Set Attack and the Statistical Disclosure Attack
- Chetan Bansal, Sören Preibusch and Natasa Milic-Frayling: Cache Timing Attacks revisited: efficient and repeatable browser history, OS and network sniffing
- Jinwei Hu, Heiko Mantel and Sebastian Ruhleder: Enforcing Usage Constraints on Credentials for Web Applications
- Amrit Kumar and Cedric Lauradoux: A Survey of Alerting Websites: Risks and Solutions
- Esra Erdin, Eric Klukovich, Mehmet Gunes and Gurhan Gunduz: POSN: A Personal Online Social Network
- Wojciech Jamroga and Masoud Tabatabaei: Strategic Noninterference
- Jaber Karimpour, Ayaz Isazadeh and Ali A. Noroozi: Verifying Observational Determinism
- Li Li, Alexandre Bartel, Tegawendé F. Bissyandé, Jacques Klein and Yves Le Traon: ApkCombiner: Combining Multiple Android Apps to Support Inter-AppAnalysis
- Francisco Vigário, Miguel Neto, Diogo Fonseca, Mário M. Freire and Pedro R. M. Inácio: Assessment of the Susceptibility to Data Manipulation of Android Games with In-app Purchases
- Xiangyu Liu, Zhe Zhou, Wenrui Diao, Zhou Li and Kehuan Zhang: An Empirical Study on Android for Saving Non-shared Data on Public Storage
- Teodor Sommestad: Social groupings and information security obedience within organizations
- Ravi Jhawar, Barbara Kordy, Sjouke Mauw, Sasa Radomirovic and Rolando Trujillo-Rasua: Attack Trees with Sequential Conjunction
- David Lorenzi, Emre Uzun, Jaideep Vaidya, Shamik Sural and Vijay Atluri: Enhancing the Security of Image CAPTCHAs through Noise Addition
- Mohamed Sabt, Mohammed Achemlal and Abdelmadjid Bouabdallah: The Dual-Execution-Environment Approach: Analysis and Comparative Evaluation
- Konstantin Knorr, David Aspinall and Maria Wolters: On the Privacy, Security and Safety of Blood Pressure and Diabetes Apps
- Alevtina Dubovitskaya, Visara Urovi, Matteo Vasirani, Karl Aberer and Michael I. Schumacher: A Cloud-based eHealth Architecture for Privacy Preserving Data Integration
- Wouter Lueks, Gergely Alpar, Jaap-Henk Hoepman and Pim Vullers: Fast Revocation of Attribute-Based Credentials for Both Users and Verifiers
- Toan-Thinh Truong, Minh-Triet Tran, Anh-Duc Duong and Isao Echizen: Chaotic Chebyshev polynomials based remote user authentication scheme in client-server environment
- Giampaolo Bella, Rosario Giustolisi, Gabriele Lenzini and P. Y. A. Ryan: A Secure Exam Protocol Without Trusted Parties
- Enrico Lovat, Alexander Fromm, Martin Mohr and Alexander Pretschner: SHRIFT System-wide HybRid Information Flow Tracking
- Liang Deng, Qingkai Zeng and Yao Liu: ISboxing: an Instruction Substitution based Data Sandboxing for x86 Untrusted Libraries
- Quoc Huy Do, Richard Bubel and Reiner Hähnle: Exploit Generation for Information Flow Leaks in Object-Oriented Programs
- Asahiko Yamada: A Generalization of ISO/IEC 24761 to Enhance Remote Authentication with Trusted Product at Claimant
- Mohammed Almeshekah, Mikhail Atallah and Eugene Spafford: Enhancing Passwords Security using Deceptive Covert Communication
- Anna Vapen, Niklas Carlsson, Anirban Mahanti and Nahid Shahmehri: Information Sharing and User Privacy in the Third-party Identity Management Landscape
- Jiang Ming, Dongpeng Xu and Dinghao Wu: Memoized Semantics-Based Binary Diffing with Application to Malware Lineage Inference
- Zhijiao Zhang, Yashuai Lü, Yu Chen, Yongqiang Lü and Yuanchun Shi: Mitigating Code-Reuse Attacks on CISC Architectures in a Hardware Approach
- Sabrina De Capitani Di Vimercati, Sara Foresti, Sushil Jajodia, Stefano Paraboschi and Pierangela Samarati: Integrity for Approximate Joins on Untrusted Computational Servers
- Mohsen Rezvani, Mohammad Allahbakhsh, Lorenzo Vigentini, Aleksandar Ignjatovic and Sanjay Jha: An Iterative Algorithm for Reputation Aggregation in Multi-dimensional and Multinomial Rating Systems
- Timothy Carbino, Michael Temple and Juan Lopez Jr.: A Comparison of PHY-Based Fingerprinting Methods Used to Enhance Network Access Control
- Salvador Martínez, Joaquin Garcia-Alfaro, Frédéric Cuppens, Nora Cuppens-Boulahia and Jordi Cabot: Model-driven Integration and Analysis of Access-control Policies in Multi-layer Information Systems
- Simão Reis, André Zúquete, Carlos Faneca and José Vieira: Authenticated File Broadcast Protocol
- Nizar Kheir, Gregory Blanc, Hervé Debar, Joaquin Garcia-Alfaro and Dingqi Yang: Automated Classification of C&C Connections through Malware URL Clustering
- Christoph Pohl, Alf Zugenmaier, Michael Meier and Hans-Joachim Hof: B.Hive: A Zero Configuration Forms Honeypot for Productive Web Applications
- Lena Connolly, Michael Lang and Doug J. Tygar: Investigation of Employee Security Behaviour: A Grounded Theory Approach
- Fredrik Karlsson, Goran Goldkuhl and Karin Hedström: Practice-Based Discourse Analysis of InfoSec Policies
- Maria B. Line and Nils Brede Moe: Understanding Collaborative Challenges in IT Security Preparedness Exercises
- Konstantinos Maraslis, Theodoros Spyridopoulos, George Oikonomou, Theo Tryfonas and Mo Haghighi: Application of a Game Theoretic Approach in Smart Sensor Data Trustworthiness Problems
- Jaspreet Kaur, Jernej Tonejc, Steffen Wendzel and Michael Meier: Securing BACnet’s Pitfalls
- Nicolai Kuntze and Carsten Rudolph: On the secure distribution of vendor-specific keys in deployment scenarios
- Gamze Canova, Melanie Volkamer, Clemens Bergmann, Roland Borza, Benjamin Reinheimer, Simon Stockhardt and Ralf Tenberg: Learn To Spot Phishing URLs with the Android NoPhish App
- Primoz Cigoj and Borka Jerman-Blazic: An Innovative Approach in Digital Forensic Education and Training: the EduFors Tool
- Sergey Zapechnikov, Natalia Miloslavskaya and Vladimir Budzko: On Experience of Using Distance Learning Technologies for Teaching Cryptology
- Audun Jøsang, Marte Ødegaard and Erlend Oftedal: Cybersecurity through Secure Software Development
- Sagar Raina, Blair Taylor and Siddharth Kaza: Security Injections 2.0: Increasing Engagement and Faculty Adoption using Enhanced Secure Coding Modules for Lower-level Programming Courses
- Johan van Niekerk and Lynn Futcher: The Use of Software Design Patterns to Teach Secure Software Design: an Integrated approach
- Melissa Dark, Matt Bishop and Rick Linger: Realism in Teaching Cybersecurity Research: The Agile Research Process
- Roberto Gallo and Ricardo Dahab: Assurance Cases as a Didactic Tool for Information Security
- Zequn Huang, Chien-Chung Shen, Sheetal Doshi, Nimmi Thomas and Ha Duong: Cognitive Task Analysis Based Training for Cyber Situation Awareness
- Erik Moore and Daniel Likarish: A Cyber Security Multi Agency Collaboration for Rapid Response That Uses AGILE Methods on an Education Infrastructure
- Lynette Drevin and Gunther Drevin: Reflections on the Ethical Content of the IT honours Program Project Module
- Natalia Miloslavskaya and Alexander Tolstoy: Professional Competencies Level Assessment for Training of Masters in Information Security
- Sergey Zapechnikov, Alexander Tolstoy and Sergey Nagibin: History of Cryptography in Syllabus on Information Security Training
- Md. Sadek Ferdous, Gethin Norman, Audun Jøsang and Ron Poet: Mathematical Modeling of Trust Issues in Federated Idenity Management
- Yongzheng Wu and Roland H.C. Yap: Simple and Practical Integrity Models for Binaries and Files
- Nikos Fotiou and George C. Polyzos: Enabling NAME-based security and trust
- Thibaud Antignac and Daniel Le Métayer: Trust Driven Strategies for Privacy by Design
- Anirban Basu, Juan Camilo Corena, Jaideep Vaidya, Jon Crowcrog, Shinsaku Kiyomoto, Stephen Marsh, Yung Shin Van Der Sype and Toru Nakamura: Lightweight practical private one-way anonymous messaging
- Paul Lajoie-Mazenc, Emmanuelle Anceaume, Gilles Gueje, Thomas Sirvent and Valérie Viet Triem Tong: Privacy-Preserving Reputation Mechanism: A Usable Solution Handling Negative Ratings
- Jamal Hussein, Luc Moreau and Vladimiro Sassone: Obscuring Provenance Confidential Information via Graph Transformation
- Natasha Dwyer and Stephen Marsh: Social Network Culture Needs the Lens of Critical Trust Research
- Archana Nojamkandath, Jasper Oosterman, Davide Ceolin, Gerben Klaas Dirk de Vries and Wan Fokkink: Predicting Quality of Crowdsourced Annotations using Graph Kernels
- Andrew Wong, Vivky Liu, William Caelli and Tony Sahama: An Architecture for Trustworthy Open Data Services
- Ijlal Loumi and Audun Jøsang: 1,2, pause: Lets start by meaningfully navigating the current online authentication solutions space
- Alexandru Butoi, Mircea Moca and Nicolae Tomai: Data Confidentiality in Cloud Storage Protocol based on Secret Sharing Scheme: A brute force ajack evaluation
- Natasha Dwyer and Stephen Marsh: The Detail of Trusted Messages: Retweets in a Context of Health and Fitness
- Johannes Sänger, Christian Richthammer, Artur Räsch and Günther Pernul: Reusable Defense Components for Online Reputation Systems
- Jingjing Guo, Christian Damsgaard Jensen and Jianfeng Ma: Continuous Context-Aware Device Comfort Evaluation Method
- Panagiotis Gouvas, Konstantinos Kalaboukas, Giannis Ledakis, Theo Dimitrakos, Joshua Daniel, Géry Ducatel and Nuria Rodriguez Dominguez: A Cloud Orchestrator for deploying public services on the cloud — the case of STRATEGIC project
- Joshua Daniel, Fadi El-Moussa, Géry Ducatel, Pramod Pawar, Ali Sajjad, Robert Rowlingson and Theo Dimitrakos: Integrating Security Services in Cloud Service Stores
- Michele Vescovi, Corrado Moiso, Mapa Pasolli, Lorenzo Cordin and Fabrizio Antonelli: Building an Eco-System of Trusted Services via user Control and Transparency on Personal Data
- Pramod S. Pawar, Ali Sajjad, Theo Dimitrakos and David W. Chadwick: Security-as-a-Service in Multi-cloud and Federated Cloud Environments
- Ana Juan Ferrer and Enric Pages i Montanera: The role of SLAs in building a Trusted Cloud for Europe
- Jingjing Guo, Christian Damsgaard Jensen and Jianfeng Ma: Continuous Context-Aware Device Comfort Evaluation Method
- Farashazillah Yahya, Robert Walters and Gary Wills: Investigating Cloud Storage Security Requirements and Critical Controls
- Vinh Pham, Hartmut Richthammer and Dogan Kesdogan: Secure and Privacy Focused Customer Device Management in a Smart Household Environment
- Ronald Paans: Information assurance
- Stef Schinagl and Keith Schoon: Security Operations Center
- Andre Sanders: IT audit and financial statement review
- Fredrik Karlsson and Karin Hedström: End user development and information security culture